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How to edit wordpress header ?


The header of a WordPress website serves as the digital storefront, often the first thing visitors see. It includes critical elements like your logo, navigation menu, and contact information, setting the tone and usability of your site. Editing the WordPress header can significantly enhance your site’s functionality and aesthetic appeal. This article will guide you through the process of customizing your WordPress header, ensuring you can make impactful changes even if you’re not a tech expert.

Understanding the WordPress Header

The WordPress header is primarily managed through a PHP file named header.php in your theme’s files. However, modern themes often provide easier interfaces for modifications, minimizing the need to edit code directly.

Step 1: Accessing the Header

Via WordPress Customizer

  1. Log into your WordPress dashboard. Access your site by entering your username and password.
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Customize. Here you’ll find the live WordPress Customizer.
  3. Click on ‘Header’ or similar sections. Depending on your theme, it might be labeled differently, such as ‘Top Bar’, ‘Header Media’, etc.

Via Theme Editor

  1. Go to Appearance > Theme Editor.
  2. Locate the header.php file. Be cautious, as changes here affect your entire site. Always back up your site before making any changes.

Step 2: Customizing Header Components

Adjusting Layout and Design

  1. Modify the layout. Use the Customizer to change the layout settings. Many themes offer drag-and-drop functionality.
  2. Change colors and fonts. Customize these elements to match your brand’s identity.

Adding or Removing Elements

  1. Manage navigation menus. Add, remove, or modify the menu items from the Customizer or Appearance > Menus.
  2. Insert widgets or social media icons. Utilize the widget areas in the header if your theme supports it.

Step 3: Adding Custom Code

If the available options are insufficient, you might want to add custom CSS or JavaScript.

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
  2. Enter your custom CSS. This could be to change font sizes, colors, or even hide certain elements.
  3. For JavaScript, use a child theme or a plugin. Editing directly in the header.php can be risky and might break your site if not done correctly.

Step 4: Testing Your Header

After making changes, it’s essential to ensure everything works smoothly.

  1. Preview your changes in the Customizer. This tool shows how your edits will look in real time.
  2. Test on different devices. Check responsiveness and usability on mobile, tablets, and desktops.
  3. Load speed tests. Ensure that your header changes have not negatively impacted site performance. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can be useful here.

Step 5: Publishing Your Changes

Once satisfied with the new header:

  1. Click ‘Publish’ in the Customizer to make your changes live.
  2. Clear your site’s cache if you’re using a caching plugin, to make sure visitors will see the latest version of your site.


Editing your WordPress header is a potent way to enhance your site’s functionality and aesthetic appeal. Whether it’s through the WordPress Customizer for basic changes or by adding custom code for more advanced customizations, each step you take can significantly impact user engagement and satisfaction. Remember to always back up your site before making any changes and test thoroughly to ensure the best performance. Happy editing!


  • Can I edit the WordPress header without coding? Yes, many modern themes provide options to edit headers without touching code via the WordPress Customizer.
  • What if i need the help of a wordpress developer ? Do not worry, because wordpress developers and freelancers are everywhere, and you can literally try to search for a wordpress agency and ask the a price quote. Usually is around 100-200$ for this type of work.
  • What should I do if I break something? Always maintain a backup before making changes. If something goes wrong, restore your site from the backup and try again, possibly with professional help.
  • How often should I update my header? Update your header whenever your branding changes or you find that user navigation could be improved. Regular audits of your site’s usability can guide these updates.

This guide ensures you have the knowledge to confidently edit your WordPress header, making your site more appealing and user-friendly.