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How to add live chat to website ? A practical guide.


In today’s digital era, live chat is an essential tool for enhancing customer service and engagement on any website. It allows you to communicate directly with visitors in real-time, providing immediate assistance and improving user experience. This guide will walk you through the process of adding a live chat feature to your website, step by step, ensuring you can set it up efficiently and effectively.

Understanding Live Chat

Live chat systems are software applications that enable real-time communication between website operators and visitors. They are typically represented by a chat box on the website, allowing users to initiate conversations by entering text messages. Implementing live chat can lead to quicker response times, increased sales, and improved customer satisfaction.

Step 1: Determine Your Live Chat Needs

Assess Your Requirements

  1. Volume of inquiries: Estimate the number of chats you expect to handle.
  2. Features required: Decide if you need automated responses, chat routing, or multilingual support.

Choose Between Self-hosted and Cloud-based Solutions

  1. Self-hosted: Provides control over data and customization but requires more setup and maintenance.
  2. Cloud-based: Easier to implement and scale but involves recurring costs.

There are many providers out there that help you add livechat to your website, so you can choose what is best for you. Some have prices ranging from free (although thats branded and up to 50$ per month for more advanced features, like crm ticketing)

Step 2: Select the Right Live Chat Software

Research and Compare Different Providers

  1. Popular options: Look into well-known providers like Zendesk, LiveChat, and Intercom.
  2. Features comparison: Evaluate key features such as customization options, analytics, and integrations.

Consider Pricing and Scalability

  1. Budget: Match options with your available budget.
  2. Growth potential: Choose software that can scale with your business.

Step 3: Install the Live Chat Software

Register and Create an Account

  1. Sign up: Complete the registration process with your chosen provider.
  2. Configure settings: Set up agent profiles, greetings, and response times.

Integrate with Your Website

  1. Copy the provided code snippet: Typically, live chat software provides a JavaScript code snippet.
  2. Paste it into your website’s HTML: The placement is usually before the closing </body> tag.

Step 4: Customize the Chat Interface

Design the Chat Box

  1. Brand alignment: Customize the colors, font, and logo to match your brand.
  2. User experience: Ensure the chat window is intuitive and easy to use.

Set Up Automated Greetings and Responses

  1. Create trigger-based greetings: Set up automated messages based on visitor behavior.
  2. Use canned responses: Prepare quick replies for common questions to speed up response times.

Step 5: Train Your Team

Educate Your Staff

  1. Product knowledge: Ensure your team knows your products or services well.
  2. Chat etiquette: Teach them the best practices for interacting with customers.

Use Performance Metrics

  1. Monitor chat logs: Review chats regularly to understand customer concerns and staff responses.
  2. Feedback and improvement: Use customer feedback to improve chat interactions and training.

Step 6: Test and Launch Live Chat

Conduct a Soft Launch

  1. Test internally: Run multiple scenarios to ensure everything works as expected.
  2. Gather initial feedback: Adjust configurations based on user feedback.

Go Live

  1. Announce the new feature: Let your customers know about the live chat via emails, newsletters, or social media.
  2. Monitor in real-time: Keep an eye on the live chat to ensure smooth operation.


Adding live chat to your website can significantly enhance your customer support and increase engagement. By following these steps, you can select the best live chat software, integrate it seamlessly into your website, and ensure your team is ready to deliver excellent real-time customer service. Remember, the key to successful live chat implementation is not just in choosing the right software but also in continuously optimizing the chat experience based on customer interactions and feedback.


  • Is live chat expensive? The cost can vary widely based on features and scale. Many providers offer basic plans that are affordable and can be a good start for small businesses.
  • Can live chat be used for marketing? Yes, it can be an effective tool for proactive engagement, offering promotions, and guiding visitors through sales funnels.
  • Should I be available 24/7? Not necessarily. You can set expectations by posting your available hours, and some software offers offline messaging features.

Live chat is a powerful addition to any website, providing a direct line to your visitors and potential customers. By integrating this feature effectively, you can ensure that your site not only stays competitive but also meets modern customer service expectations.